Victoria Chinatown Museum Society
In early 2020, we formed the Victoria Chinatown Museum Society to honour the history, culture and contribution of Chinese Canadians. We want to tell a story, the story of how we lived and what our ancestors had to go through to get to today.

Fan Tan Alley Museum
Fan Tan Alley
10 Fan Tan Alley, Victoria, BC V8W 1W3

Peering into the Past
Chinatowns, located throughout the Americas and other continents, are important sites of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Today, they face myriad changes and crises, including balancing new urban developments, gentrification, population shifts, and the preservation of historical architecture and aura.
The images in this gallery come courtesy of the City of Victoria archive. The photos cronical the esteemed history of Victoria’s Chinatown.

“As the first generation of Chinese Canadians to be born in Victoria, I feel it is important to share the legacy of our ancestors. It was through their hard work and perseverance that has granted us the freedoms and opportunities that we enjoy today. This museum will honour our culture and our ancestors.”

Meet the Board

Dr. Grace Wong Sneddon

Robert Fung

John Adams

Rosilyn Soo

Alan Lowe

Adam Con

Thomas Chan

Kevin Sing

Mary Mouat

Dana Hutchings

Kyman Chan
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